Mike Butler wrote:
"With the box positioned properly in the film plane you can
directly measure the speed of the leading curtain and the trailing
curtain from the signals traced in to Cool Edit:
by measuring the start and stop times from the left channel to the right
The only problem that I see with this setup is that it would take a long time
to read numerous shutter speed tests and be somewhat arbitrary. Cool Edit
just doesn't seem to user friendly at such close magnification. When you get
down to the 1/1000sec, ten-thousandths of a second become important. It
could take forever to read a bunch of times in Cool Edit...unless there is a
way to do this automatically that I am unaware of. What would be great is if
there was a way to get this info into a spreadsheet easily.
In regards to the TV/RGB monitor trick, I would think that tapering would
show up on a slide well before the human eye could detect it with this
technique, but I haven't tried it yet.
...just my newly minted $0.02...and, as usual, I won't put up much of fight
if someone tells me I'm wrong.