Funny you should mention rising prices. I was away for the past 6 days and
just got around to reading the Cameta Camera e-newsletter. (Mar 28?). Now,
I've always felt they were a bit on the low side with their prices,
especially what others are asking for 'Mint' gear, but this newsletter has
higher prices, now I feel they're on the high side of the line. This
apparently just about happened 'overnight'. (I'm solely talking Olympus
stuff, I didn't pay that much attention to the other brands). Anybody else
notice? Tom? Or am I looney? (HEY! I know what you're thinking!)
George S.
frankrad4@xxxxxxxx writes:
> KEH has just listed an EX 40/f2 for (gulp) $819. This has got to be a
> mistake or they are getting greedy. A few months ago I bought an EX 40/2
> from KEH for $449.00. I tried it for a week then returned it because I
> could not justify spending that much when my 35/2 or 50mm lenses would
> do.
> I guess I passed up real deal since the price has gone up nearly
> nearly 50 0n a few months.
> Frank