I *believe* it's still the same three countries, Altho I heard 1/2 of NASA
went metric! Shame they didn't tell the other half ! :)
frugal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Actually, I had heard it was Libya. However, given that I then had to
> double check that they weren't the same place (they aren't), I'll
> consider that to warrant a "close enough".
> Interesting side note, I had heard some time after 1990 (can't narrow
> down the year) that it was only 2 countries, US and Libya. Given that
> Burma became Myanmar around that time I'm wondering if they also didn't
> switch to metric at that time. However, since I never was able to
> confirm that, I went back to the 1990 figure which I had confirmed.
> Honestly, I hadn't come up with a suitable prize. One thought would be 3
> toy dinosaurs, labeled as US, Libya (Liberia?) and Burma. But that's not
> really OM related. Another thought would be some kind of outdated piece
> of OM gear but I know of no such beast (it's all still good!).
> --
> Andrew "Frugal" Dacey,
> frugal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx