At 02:57 PM 3/15/2001 -0500, William Clark wrote:
>wow!!!! Given the richness of the province of Alberta (oil, Ralph Klein
>surplus and all else ) I am surprised that Albertans have not clamoured for
>better legislated service. I thought the Western Prodigy (Stockwell Day)
>would have said something about this.
Albertans are hardier than Ontarians. ;-) And we'll be "rich" when we finally
get the freakin' provincial debt paid off ('nuther couple of years).
There's been a spate of births amongst couples in my social group/extended
clan/whatever, and without exception they've been sent home within 24 hours,
and are then visited by a public health nurse the next day, who does several
genetic screening tests (which can't be done prior to the 24 hour period
elapsing, due to remnants of maternal hormones etc. in the baby's system), and
generally visits with the new parents, shows them feeding tricks, talks to them
about any residual concerns, and so forth. If there are any identifiable
issues, follow-up is done in a more copasetic environment than a hospital ward.
None of the ladies who gave birth thought being sent home in 24 hours was a bad
thing. Home was quieter, and they got the rest they needed, as well as the
comfort of familiar and non-antiseptic surroundings. I'm sure there are
exceptions to my observations.