md@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> One thing I always look for when buying a used body is evidence of improper
> servicing. Usually an amateur repair will damage the trim plate of the film
> advance lever cap. It's just so tempting to use a pair of tweezers or a
> small screwdriver to twist the cap off, which ends up scratching or damaging
> the small holes. Very rarely will a professional technician cause such
> damage. Another area to look at is the film rewind shaft. It's not
> uncommon
> to see the shaft ends bent where a screwdriver was used to hold the shaft
> while unscrewing the handle. If either of these two areas appear damaged,
> think twice before buying the body, or adjust the purchase price
> accordingly.
> -mark
Good pointers, Mark. I'm sure you helped one or two of us who hadn't thought
to check these two easily checked places. I always seem to open the camera
back and check the pressure plate (which can be replaced easily, I know) and
film rails to see if there's wear. It's probably MUCH better to check for an
amateur repair first, than "normal" or "abnormal" wear!
George S.