I agree with Mike. I carry my OM stuff on the street in a green book bag. I
wear "comfortable" shoes and keep a low profile. I like to keep the bottom
of a Neveready on the camera to protect it and to give a better grip.
I was recently in a gallery in Balboa Park here. It is free and open to the
general public but docents watch with a stern eye the comings and goings. A
tourist from Germany was walking about with a very elaborate setup based on
Nikon wunderbrick. A docent observed him and told him to stop his
photography ( no flash was in use) that professionals weren't allowed to take
picstures in the museum for commercial use. No matter the protest the
tourist was shut down. In the meantime I was quietly taking pictures of the
paintings with my OM2 w/28 f2.8. None of the docents said a word.
Dave Dougherty