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[OM] Tamron Adaptall patch

Subject: [OM] Tamron Adaptall patch
From: "George Sears" <gwsears@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 22:11:22 -0400
Back to photo content for me as well.

I am in the process of putting together a Tamron "Grab-N-Go" bag. 
It will consist of various Adaptall 2 lens. So far, I'm including the 
Tamron 90 f2.5 Macro, Tamron 80-210 f3.8-4, and a wide angle 
zoom yet to be purchased.

I will have in the bag mounts for OM, N****, and M******. Reasoning 
is after I decide on the body, I just grab the Tamron bag and 

I've read several times the cure for the offending phillips screw head 
in the OM mount to prevent shearing off the reset button. Can't 
remember if epoxy was used or was it JB weld? How do you 
smooth it over after it is dry?

I have one good OM Tamron mount and three bad ones that need 
the patch.


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