At 09:51 PM 1/14/00 -0800, Shawn Wright, Olympus List Host/Administrator, wrote:
>Although I have very little time to follow the list the past year or so, the
>current high rate of off-topic posts came to my attention.
>So, in addition to Giles' most recent post, I would also request that such off-
>topic posts cease immediately. Giles has been an invaluable help in holding
>the reins over the past several years, and I don't think any of us would want
>to see him step down over something like this.
Yeah, especially because someone like *me* might take over in Giles' place, and
considering my recent track record on the Oly Gallery, *nobody* on this List
would want *that*. ;-)
(The latest submissions are about 50 omplete, by the way -- what is it about
holidays that gets people all excited and in a "submitting" mood? -- eleven new
submitters and six re-contributors...)
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than a good day doing just about
anything else."
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