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Re: [OM] Off topic help - CD Rom Drive

Subject: Re: [OM] Off topic help - CD Rom Drive
From: Garth Wood <garth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 11:16:27 -0700
At 11:58 AM 1/2/00 -0500, Gregg Iverson wrote:
>My 24X CD Rom Drive in my 200 mhz  Pentium computer died on the 31st.  I
>can't find any info with the computer to answer my question so I'm
>turning to a trusted and *unbiased* group.  
>Do I replace it with an IDE drive or can I use an EIDE drive?  I'll go
>for as much speed as possible as the prices are so reasonable.
>Thanks ahead of time.


It depends on whether the controller you have attached to your motherboard is 
IDE or EIDE, I believe.  I'm unsure as to whether an EIDE drive is 
"backwards-compatible" with an IDE controller (although it could be).  To 
determine whether you have an IDE or EIDE controller on a Windows 98 machine, 
go to Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> System 
Information, and when you start that utility, expand the directory structure 
under Components (in the left-hand window), and then click on Storage.  You 
should get a list (in the right-hand window) of all the mass storage devices 
presently on your machine, and whether they are IDE, EIDE or SCSI.  You can 
then print this information off and take it to your local friendly computer 
hardware parts seller and tell him/her you need a big, fast hard drive 
compatible with what's on the list.  ;-)

Good luck!

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