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Re: [OM] NiMH Batteries

Subject: Re: [OM] NiMH Batteries
From: Jan Steinman <jans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:09:51 -0700
>From: Frank van Lindert <lindertv@xxxxxxx>
>Some interesting figures, taken from

Thanks for the great link, Frank!

Bottom line: rechargeable alkalines don't have quite the performance of
disposable alkalines. I guess trying to convince a bunch of people who
obsess over single and multi-coating that the difference is in my
experience almost negligable is a lost cause! :-)

However, in practice, I find rechargeable alkalines nearly
indistinguishable from disposables. In particular, I haven't noticed the
large degree of performance fall-off with number of charges indicated in
that web page. I've been using the same two sets in my Palm Pilot for a
couple years, and I still get the same 3-6 weeks between half-life points.

It may be that the tester fully discharged the batteries between cycles,
rather than "nursing" them as I do, by recharging them before they are
fully depleted.

I still think it is worth some effort to try to use rechargeables, both for
environmental and econonomic reasons, especially considering all the
choices available. I use sealed lead-acid batteries, NiCd, NiMH,
lithium-ion, and alkaline rechargeables, depending on the characteristics I

: Jan Steinman <mailto:jans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
: 19280 Rydman Court, West Linn, OR 97068-1331 USA
: +1.503.635.3229

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