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Re: Human vision (no OM content) (was Re: [OM] 100 f2.8 vs 85 f2)

Subject: Re: Human vision (no OM content) (was Re: [OM] 100 f2.8 vs 85 f2)
From: "Richard Dale" <Richard_Dale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 12:11:30 +0000
Jan, very erudite, there's a great deal of human knowledge on this list.

 image moved   Jan Steinman <jans @ imagina.com>                  
 to file:      10/09/98 17:52                                     

Please respond to olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To:   olympus @ Zuiko.sls.bc.ca
cc:    (bcc: Richard Dale/FIGROUP)
Subject:  Human vision (no OM content) (was Re: [OM] 100 f2.8 vs 85 f2)

>...I'm not
>a great fan of wide angles.
>Let me go way out on a limb here -- I'll bet you, Richard, that you tend
be introverted (rather than extroverted), and judgemental (rather than
perceptual). These are personality traits that have been correlated with a
high degree of interest in the circle of focus -- life is in the details.
Extroverted, perceptual people tend to have high interest in the circle of
perception ("Just give me the big picture!"), with most of us "normal"
people falling somewhere in between.>
OK, without sounding too much like a horoscope, I suppose I'm the sort of
person who likes to get to the true point while ignoring the extraneous
irrelevancies. I
am both an introvert and extrovert, tending towards introversion (since I'm
constantly disappointed with people). But I can be very extrovert. Thats
the trouble
with such categorisations, they tend you to label in black and white.

Getting back to photography, the image of a wide angle tends to be too
for my taste, there is also noticeable distortion from about 35mm down. The
always has to be disguised, you also have to be careful to avoid lens flare
in backlit shots (my favourite). Medium telephotos give (for me) the most
pleasing perspective. You can also step back from your subject.

Having said that I like to use a wide angle (21 mm) for interior shots,
more introversion I suppose
(can't face the outside world!)

I have a great interest in macro, does that make me ultra-introverted, what
is the angle of view
there very narrow (=narrow minded), I'm also a computer person in my day
job, and a member of Mensa more proof of social inadequacy!

Do normal people buy 50mm lens, I suppose thats why its called the normal
lens and
sold with all cameras. I suppose someone with a zoom say 28-80 has a
balanced across
the board view on life, or someone who is inconstant/undecided.


What about the idea of having a digital back to the Five with only data
image capture (nerd speak),  with the remainder of functions connected by
wire to another black box.
That would keep the digital OM5 camera body small. Also the system would be
more flexible
as you could upgrade the other boxes (more RAM etc) without having to buy a
new techno-brick
each time for 10 grand.


 ? F.I.GROUP PLC                                                           

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