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Re: Silly question #483 (was Re: [OM] Telephoto (mirror) lenses)

Subject: Re: Silly question #483 (was Re: [OM] Telephoto (mirror) lenses)
From: Lars Bergquist <timberwolf@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 16:03:39 +0000
>I know what a catadioptric mirror lens is, but what
>(if anything different) is this _solid_ cat. lens that's
>being mentioned?
> duncan

A catadioptric lens, to the best of my knowledge, is a lens which is
solid -- the main mirror is the rear surface of the same block of glass
which also is the front of the lens. So 'solid catadioptric' seems to be
a tautology.

The advantage of catadiptric construction is (you guessed it) its
solidity: the lens can take some hard knocks without anything
getting out of alignment. when the first cats appeared in the
´seventies, the personnellin the manufacturers' stalls at camera
fairs used to shock visitors by purposely dropping their expensive
tele lenses on the floor.

Vänliga hälsningar/Best regards
Lars Bergquist
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