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Re: [OM] Gouge me once, etc.

Subject: Re: [OM] Gouge me once, etc.
From: Paul Van Tuyl <olympusguy@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 11:33:57 -0600
I dare say, what a rascal you are! Paul.

L.J. Clark wrote:

> CarlMarin@xxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 98-02-02 00:14:07 EST, you write:
> >
> > >  Hi Robi! We have the OM-2SPrograms, about five in stock now.
> > >  Mint to near mint condition are $286us, includes instruction
> > >  manual, too! A 50/1.8 ZUIKO is $15, mint, if bought with the
> > >  body! Paul.
> > Geeze Paul, don't be such a hard ass!  Most people give those
> > 50/1.8's away as body caps.   Also,  I hope none of our foreign
> > listmembers think that "asking prices" are cast in stone on used
> > equipment.  I'd counter with a offer of $200 cash and if old
> > Paul won't counter back I'd say keep looking.   Its not like
> > he can sell his stuff on the Pentax list.  If you don't demand
> > good deals you won't get any.   The '6' in the $286 price is a
> > nice touch ;^)  Makes it sound official, doesn't it.  I'll have
> > to remember that trick next time I'm selling crap at the flea
> > market.
> Hi Carl! -- You're right!  The "6" is a nice touch -- sort-of
> reminds me of when K-Mart had all their pricing ending in a "7"
> (do they still do that?)!  The advantage here is that you don't
> need to dodge all those discarded diapers (nappies) in the
> parking lot!
> > I suspect Paul has started working this list pretty hard because
> > he's trying to build up some sales.  Nothing wrong with that
> > really but considering the kind of prices he seems to charge
> > and the average condition of alot of the stuff I've seen him
> > with at the shows I'd say a better strategy might be to
> > lower his prices.
> Hmm.  Maybe I've been taking the wrong approach.  We've got a
> captive audience here.  Perhaps we should actively solicit
> commercial vendors.  We could lure them in here on the pretext
> that they'll be our "Rainmakers".  We let them tear at each
> other for awhile.  When they start bleeding into the sawdust
> some of us fun-loving folks can take some shots at them.
> This could be very entertaining!  I think I'll e-mail all the
> folks on the Olympus Vendors list (on my web site -- see below)
> and invite them into the fray.
> Hmm...Modify that.  There has been one commercial vendor who
> has been very restrained -- I may save him from the killing
> field.  And another vendor was recently deleted -- I may have
> a hard time finding that one.
> Photography you ask?  Why bother when you can run an exclusive
> Olympus/Zuiko swap meet!
> > Just my personal opinion of course :^)
> >
> > Long live Capitalism!
> Viva Che!
> > Carl  (doing my part to maintain an efficient market)
> >
> > BTW, don't even get me started on that other guy with the gold
> > plated prices who then couldn't be bothered to sell an item
> > separately.   Why did he list a separate price?   What has this
> > list come to?  Please reach up and pull that "I'm a gullible
> > sucker" sticker off your forehead.  You're giving the place a
> > bad name.
> >
> > "Mail Filter?  I don't need no stinking Mail Filter"
> Larry (looking for my white shoes and polyester) Clark
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