I found a tripod collar for a 300mm lens I have, used, at a camera store.
They had three and one of them fit. Take your lens with you to find one
and make sure it fits. A slightly oversized one could be padded with
cork etc.
Rob Roy
At 07:08 27/01/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I have found that the 2X converter and the 200mm lens is a bit awkward when
>the camera is mounted on a tripod. I have to really crank down on the
>tripod and head screws else I get creep. When I try to use a Minolta
>panorama head it sags a bit to much for comfort. And if I try to make
>changes in the position of the camera vertically then it is a real nuisance.
>What solutions do any of you, fellow Olympiads, use for this setup? I went
>to a large, "professional" camera store and was told that there aren't any
>generic lens collars on the market! I saw in Bogen's catalog that they
>make a telephoto support/harness but I haven't seen one in a store. Does it
>require a lens collar that is built in to the lens to attach to?
>I haven't see anything in Porter's catalog.
>Does/Did Olympus make anything along these lines?
>San Carlos, CA
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