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Re: [OM] Knock knock

Subject: Re: [OM] Knock knock
From: "Michael R. Collins" <MRC.OlympusList@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 12:19:37 -0400
List working to (unwritten) spec.

Just curious about this toric IOL, what's special about it re current US unavailability? Two years ago (age 71) I got toric aspheric IOLs with astigmatism correction, here in Toronto, seemed like a standard product mfd. by ALCON. Cost of lenses alone C$575 each. Diopter and astigmatism correction in small steps, not bespoke, so you get "best fit"; result was 20/20 one eye, 20/25 other (which had much greater astigmatism). Chose distance focus not near, have reading glasses scattered about; works for me, "distance" is about 3m-infinity, all good for most of the time. Eschewed the one near/one far split even though good reports from some folks, didn't trust that *my* brain could manage the split, and IMO there's no safe/reliable opportunity to make a correction post-surgery. Hoping all goes well, nothing to fear, mine was fine, but maintain the prescription eyedrop regimen religiously to avoid the remotest possibility of infection.


On 2024-10-06 10:15 a.m., MICHAEL GORDON via olympus wrote:
This thing still working?

In London channeling my inner Nathan.
Marnie getting a toric IOL tomorrow that won’t be available in US for at least a year. 
 She can’t wait. Hopefully all goes well.
  Perhaps have a couple shots good enough to post.  Will have to dig out at 
work after get home on Wednesday first.

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