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Re: [OM] [Leica] OT: hosting provider going belly up

Subject: Re: [OM] [Leica] OT: hosting provider going belly up
From: Mike Lazzari via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 08:35:16 +0200
Cc: watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   On Sep 27, 2024 21:09, watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

   On a related question. I've been storing photos and stuff at my
   original local host of many many years.
    We're talking dial up days. But I have been having problems because it
   is only http not https and some places don't like that. Owner Paul
   isn't going to upgrade because he can't complete with the big guys.
   He's keeping me around as a favor and I don't cause trouble. My problem
   is that I would break a ton of links if picked up and moved. So can I
   move and set up a way to pass the links on to a new site.
   in Les Houches in the rain
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