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Re: [OM] Hello friends

Subject: Re: [OM] Hello friends
From: Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:00:58 +0100
Hej Johan!

Good to see you back, and thanks for the pointer to Glass, which is a new
one for me.

Amazing to see how your little one has grown.


On Mon, 16 Sep 2024, 21:20 Johan Malmström via olympus, <
olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Checking in to make sure you all know I'm lurking over here in my corner.
> The old OM gear doesn't get much use these days. Last mountain hike was the
> first when I completely relied on my iPhone (16 Pro Max) as camera. I don't
> think I missed a real camera any time.
> I'm occasionally sharing photos on the service Glass, anyone else who have
> tried it?
> https://glass.photo/johan-malmstrom
> I must say that I prefer it compared to the usual social media platforms.
> Take care,
> Johan
> --
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