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Re: [OM] One more from Killarney

Subject: Re: [OM] One more from Killarney
From: Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:18:52 +0100
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Thanks, that was worth the effort! Not sure that I can choose between you,
but I would like to see a bit more contrast in Marnie's. And a bit less in

But composition in both suits me just fine.


On Mon, 16 Sep 2024, 16:34 usher99--- via olympus, <
olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> <<<<Another case where it wants me to log in . . .
> Try this.  Not sure why that happens but next time will log out before I
> obtain the link.
> https://www.olyendomike.com/Ireland-2024/i-h7pJ77b/A
> No log in required, Mike
> --
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