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Re: [OM] Gary Reese

Subject: Re: [OM] Gary Reese
From: Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 16:58:49 +0100
Fuji GW690iii, possibly a ii, but a Texas Leica I am sure! Had a 690 for a
time, loved the 6x9 Velvia, but found it somewhat agricultural in its
engineering. Preferred an Ikonta!

Da rolege on this list, of course.


On Mon, 19 Aug 2024, 03:20 MICHAEL GORDON via olympus, <
olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thanks Wayne.  I’ve never seen an image of him but have looked at his lens
> tests hundreds of times and printed them out early on.  I am not sure the
> original site exists but Moose and AG host them, I believe.  Wonder what
> cam he has in that image?
> Mike
> --
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