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[OM] IMG: a couple of days in Paris

Subject: [OM] IMG: a couple of days in Paris
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 21:25:21 +0200
I was in Paris last week for meetings at the OECD, something I always enjoy. I 
was there Thursday and Friday, and stayed until Saturday afternoon so as to 
enjoy the city a bit. Most of the photos are from that Saturday, but there are 
also some from Thursday and Friday from the OECD and the surrounding 16th 
arrondissement, the poshest area of Paris. There is also some great 
contemporary art from the Pinault Collection. It is all here:


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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