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[OM] Oly 50-200mm, repairable?

Subject: [OM] Oly 50-200mm, repairable?
From: Peter Klein <boulanger.croissant@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 16:03:36 -0800
I have been thinking about getting a used Olympus 4/3 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 lens. I would use it on my E-M1 Mark II with a 4/3 to micro 4/3 adapter.  I have some old Olympus film-era telephotos that I've used occasionally, but the older I get, the more I appreciate autofocus. I also understand that the 4/3 lens would be "better," but it is hard to quantify how much.

I have read conflicting reports on whether or not this lens is currently repairable. These reports center on the availability of parts:  the older, standard motor, the newer SWD motor, and a ribbon cable. There is also the question of Olympus vs. a third party repair center, and whether or not they would repair a gray market lens (for example, from Japan) even if parts were available. All complicated by the transition from Olympus to "OM System."

Does anyone know for sure, or have contact information for the actual repair sites.

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