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Re: [OM] Help with Spyder X calibration

Subject: Re: [OM] Help with Spyder X calibration
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 21:37:06 -0800
On 1/26/2024 8:47 AM, Mike Bloor wrote:
Perhaps someone can help on this. I have two 24 inch LCD screens mounted side by side. I am calibrating them using a Datacolor Spyder X Pro. I obviously want to have the two screens match as closely as possible.

When I perform the calibration, the Spyder software insists on different brightness settings for the two screens – it wants one to be 20 cd/m2 brighter than the other. I can’t find where or how to override this and have both at the same setting. Any ideas? At the moment there is a clear difference when the same image is shown on both screens.

Absent any knowledge of how this works, I imagine the settings are stored somewhere, to be accessed when the computer boots. Might that file be editable?

With only one screen and a different calibration thingie, this is above my pay 

Mystifyingly Bright Moose

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