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Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time

Subject: Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time
From: Mike Lazzari via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 11:03:42 -0800
Cc: Mike Lazzari <watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     The E-M5 is not suitable for his 14-54 and 40-150 4/3 lenses via
     adapters. They are verrry slow to focus on the older, CDAF only
F Y I Moose

   Agree. But why not just go µ4:3 and ditch/sell those old lenses. He can
   get into a superior system for waaay less than $1k.
   FWIW I have an E510 and E620 FS but frankly unless you are on a super
   tight budget and it suits your need I wouldn't bother. I have used
   those 4:3's lenses and others on the EM5 and sure they are slow, (not
   verrry slow),  but they work well enough and  give great results.
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