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Re: [OM] TTARTISAN 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] TTARTISAN 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:42:09 -0700
At 11/11/2023 09:30 PM, Moose wrote:

>On 11/10/2023 2:53 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
>>Great bubbles!  Short money for a kewl lens.  The clay gizmo looks very 
>>familiar. Marnie recognizes it as well.
>>The adjustable non-macro adapters at least allow the aperture ring to be on 
>>top and not cockeyed at 90 deg.
>If it were 90°, it would be easy to fix. The mount on the back of the adapter 
>is simply held on by four screws. It may be mounted at
>90° intervals.

I thought the same and started to take the screws off one of my helicoid 
adapters, as the aperture, distance scale were near the bottom. But the back 
plate is not just attached with screws on mine, it was engaged to the helicoid 
mechanism. I was not willing to take it apart further.

I got lucky with a Yeenon "M42-M42X17.3mm Helicoid tube + M42-NEX Mount" that 
happens to put the scales on top. Infinity focus requires a bit of helicoid 
extension, but not a problem for me.

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