At 11/4/2023 09:47 PM, Moose wrote:
>Forgot about this for weeks of travel.
>You did get one? How is it?
>Back Home Moose
Not sure if you just meant this for Mike only, but here are some of my first 25
photos I took with this lens. wide open.
I'm used to working with 50mm bocake lenses, so 100mm will take some more
learning. I use a helicoid adapter to allow closer focus.
The lens indeed does not have aperture marks on top with standard m42 adapters.
I have one, just an m42-m42 helicoid with thin Sony m42 adapter that just
happens to put them on top, but infinity focus has to be extended just a bit.
Also a Yeenon called "M42-M42X17.3mm Helicoid tube + M42-NEX Mount (Flange)(
ring free)"
With all other adapters the markings are near the bottom. Since I like helicoid
adapters, I have not found one that is adjustable. I don't understand why
ttartisan couldn't get this right. I thought I could rotate the mount on the
lens, but it is hard linked to the aperture control.
The one I thought would be adjustable was called "M42-NEX helicoid adapter
(with pressure thimble device has set midline positio)" from Yeenon. But I'm
not sure it is adjustable. I removed the screws on the side and it did not
appear to be moveable due to linkages inside. I did not pursue further.
TT WayneS
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: