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[OM] Anglesey was - 1000mm. In Seattle

Subject: [OM] Anglesey was - 1000mm. In Seattle
From: "ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(swisspace)" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 08:09:53 +0200
Hi All,

I am also still lurking around, still taking photos but not "developing" them, 
currently going through a divorce which is never nice so lost a bit of 

I saw Moose was in Anglesey, and as I will no longer be able to afford to stay 
in Switzerland when I retire I will go back to Wales and I have a cottage in 
Llandudno - if you visit and take the cable car to the Orme summit you will in 
fact pass over it. 

I love north Wales and there is lot to see and photograph so its not the end of 
the world having to move there.

With best regards
Ian (aka Swisspace)

> On 16 Oct 2023, at 22:51, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Travelin' Moose (Anglesey, Wales at the moment.)
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