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Re: [OM] "Anywhere she likes"

Subject: Re: [OM] "Anywhere she likes"
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 06:58:17 -0700
At 10/12/2023 06:40 PM, peter wrote:

>We were going to shake out the sofa covers. 14 pound, 16 year-old Tilly 
>decided to embody the joke about where the 800 pound gorilla sleeps...
>I've been mostly lurking for quite a while, because I have not been 
>photographing much. Both my wife and I have had health issues. We're going to 
>be OK, but it's been an "interesting" ride. In my case, my first hip 
>replacement (of March 2022) did not bond to my bone properly, and I was in a 
>lot of pain earlier this year. I had a do-over operation in August, and am 
>now doing physical therapy and the whole doggone thing, again. It's hard to 
>photograph when you're using a cane and unpredictably unsteady on your feet. 
>We did take a trip to Austin and the S. California desert in April, from which 
>I do have a few photos.
>Hello to everyone, and I hope to be contributing more once I heal a bit more.

Do get better! Take your dog's example.

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