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[OM] IMG: back to my birthplace

Subject: [OM] IMG: back to my birthplace
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:52:16 +0200
After my four days in Kraków in September, I moved on to Wrocław, the city 
where I was born and where my sister still lives. It is today one of Poland’s 
most dynamic cities, with about 20% of its close to 700,000 people being 
students at one of the city’s many educational institutions, and a lot of jobs 
created by investments by companies like Samsung, Amazon, IBM etc. At the same 
time, the medieval history and the mix of influences over the centuries, not 
least German, is very much in evidence. 

I spent 3 days in Wrocław, and since the weather was nice, I was able to spend 
a lot of time out and about. As always when visiting a city, I also looked at 
art. The resulting images are here:


And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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