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Re: [OM] Bubbleliciousness on the cheap

Subject: Re: [OM] Bubbleliciousness on the cheap
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:39:48 -0700
Looks like a definitive answer to a question I've been asking in my head: Why doesn't somebody make a cheap, simple bubble bokeh lens? I was sorta look to LensBaby or Lomo, but this looks fine.

Cheap enough to not seem like overkill for a rather specialized purpose. Reviews say it's actually quite optically good in the center, and the bubbles look as good as any. The advantages of a lens that's actually new are attractive.

Gripes about flare seem off to me; flare was part of the original package, and some might miss it. The old Culminar 135/4.5 flares, too. <https://photos.app.goo.gl/drmYXt2GHPYTdion7>

I'd likely get one now, but there's no low price option that would guarantee to get it to me before we board the big bird to fly to Boston. And . . . I'm not sure yet what Alt gear I may take along.

IMO Bubbles belong in cold drinks.
    watchin' the bubbles in my beer :)

Ah yes, had a Pliney the Elder with dinner a week ago, excellent cod with wonderful fries/chips and the perfect beer, on a picnic table in mild coastal last afternoon sun. mmmmm.

Soon to Soar Moose

On 8/16/2023 1:20 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
I've admired the the Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 100 F2.8 original for years and the newly manufactured version 
has better haptics and a bit more contrast and excellent coatings.  The classic versions for the 50's used to be a 
hundred bucks or so but now are a bit crazy in price.  There is something about using a true classic vintage lens, 
however.  The new ones are about 1000 bucks and a bit of a stretch for a specialty lens.  Trioplan 100 
f2.8 II | Meyer Optik Görlitz - Unique lenses with character (meyer-optik-goerlitz.com)

Now there is a quick cheap knock-off.  I wish the build quality were a bit better 
and at least some effective coatings to reduce flare but at least it is an option. It is a 
cooke triplet after all and not that difficult to make. Curiously the unique bokeh was 
considered a defect back in the day.


What say thou?

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, Mike

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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