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Re: [OM] A few images from near Lake Como and Sardinia

Subject: Re: [OM] A few images from near Lake Como and Sardinia
From: MICHAEL GORDON via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:20:52 -0400
Cc: MICHAEL GORDON <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Thanks for looking and commenting, Wayne.

Regarding the image of the apparition, I did indeed lean heavily on the 
“freakiness slider” in Photoshop which resides in a hidden menu under “image.”  
Requires a alt-ctrl-shift-rt clic, IIRC.  It reduced the brightness and 
contrast in the background which enhanced the mood.  

Marnie and Kate had gone ahead while I studied and took a couple more shots of 
the planter.  It is rather new and I observed no signs of retrofitting.  In my 
estimation, it was designed and constructed to be as you see it.  

Bending the sliders but not as much as AG, Mike
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