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Re: [OM] A few flutterbys from Horn Pond Mtn

Subject: Re: [OM] A few flutterbys from Horn Pond Mtn
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 23:40:56 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
<<Here, it seems to my eye that the fill has lost/suppressed textural detail.

<<Is that much yellow normal? I don't recall that in the ones I've 
photographed. It's there in your version, but more obvious in mine.
I suspect the yellow is jazzed just a tad but not over the top of what I've 
seen.  The hind wings are yellowish. Thanks for looking so closely. 
As Dean has pointed out the very best flash is off axis.  He recently took a 
shot of a Coral Hairstreak with what happened to be very low angle light and it 
really enhanced the texture and the fact that the wings weren't perfectly flat. 
I would have to carry my Lepp II bracket which makes the rig much more awkward. 
 I have not been smitten by any of the available TTL twin flashes for Oly or 
Sonnie yet. Bolt has one that is wireless and light but very slow to recharge 
and the Oly one has wires.  Probably better than what I am using.    From years 
of chasing these winged critters, I've almost never been happy with raising the 
shadows in post.  The structural colors really require more photons to pop.  
Even if the texture is diminished, they can still look like wonderful objets 
d'art. I also like to give the nice T32 some exercise as you probably have 
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