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Re: [OM] Bay of Fundy joint image

Subject: Re: [OM] Bay of Fundy joint image
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 00:26:41 -0700
On 5/28/2023 2:03 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
Marnie dutifully went through the whole procedure she trained to do despite it clouding 
up by the time we got back to the "flower pot" classic stacks. The tide was 
coming in the second night but it momentarily cleared over that stack enough to see the 
MW, so I ran back at least to stack the sky just before we left.  We had to skedaddle 
within 5 minutes as the tide was coming up on an area we needed to traverse to get off 
the beach, so I skipped the foreground.   My stacked foreground had less detail with 
blocked shadows. Marnie had hers and it was taken just a few feet away, so the MW is 
accurately placed.  I suppose it is a fake composite of sorts but still was accurate 
enough to meet my standards.

Well, I think it's awesome!.

Those things are all composites, no? So, it's a collaborative effort, one for 
sky, one for foreground.

What I'd like to know is how the Grinch got in there (second stack from left)?

  The PL 9/1.7 is compatible with starry sky autofocus but is very touchy to 
manually focus for the foreground.


The mask for the sky isn't perfect but it is a very difficult process with all 
the tree branches.

I got a great mask for working with your first image. Did you try "Select and 

Tidal Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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