At 12/8/2022 12:40 PM, Moose wrote:
>On 12/8/2022 7:50 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>At 12/8/2022 03:11 AM, Moose bokehishness wrote:
>>>On 11/20/2022 3:49 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
>>>>Bokeh busier even at f1.2 in this particular scenario than I recall in
>>>>other situations.
>>>Bokeh is ridiculously tricky. Whenever someone claims a lens has good, or
>>>bad bokeh, I take it with a grain of salt. Yes, OoF areas may be very
>>>different with different lenses @ same FL and aperture.
>>>BUT, it may also vary wildly with distances to focal plane and to things in
>>>front of and behind the focal plane, on the same lens, @ same aperture. Move
>>>camera and subject relative to background, but not to each other - the bokeh
>>>Move the camera away from the subject, and the bokeh changes, but so do the
>>>sizes of subject and background(s).
>>>Simple, limited
>>>Background barely behind focal plane, bokeh pretty rough.
>>>Background from almost FP through middle distance, to infinity. Pretty busy
>>>Move a little closer, bokeh almost painterly
>>>And its a real difference, not just mag., shot two, enlarged to match.
>>>Change distances a little bit, different light, different bokeh.
>>>Many Variables Moose
>>I use adapters with a helicoid, so close focus more than native is possible,
>My spreadsheet says I have 28 adapters, of 18 different types - likely low.
>Many/most aren't available with helicoids + $$$. Sony E mount extension tubes
>handle closer focus. AND, I obviously do less really close work with my elders
>than you do. ð???
>>which I also increases the OOF effect. All the variables just add to the
>>potential fun.
>>Really nice pot though.
>Carol says she just came across it somewhere and just bought it because she
>liked it so much. Nothing has been planted in it as yet.
>>I acquired a Voigtlander Prominent RF with attached Nokton 50mm F1.5 lens.
>>Quite good optics for a 1950 lens.
>>The Prominent camera also came with a Voigtlander 35mm F3.5 Skoparon and a
>>100mm F4.5 Dynaron, but there are no adapters available for them.
>I imagine shutter and aperture are in the camera, so an adapter would need at
>least a way to adjust the aperture. Focus in camera body as well? "Focusing is
>done by turning the knob on the left of the top plate (which would be the film
>rewind on any other camera" UV Topcors have the same aperture problem, but
>helicoid is in the lens.
>>I think I spend more on adapters than lenses.
>See above.  ð???
>Adaptable Moose
The Prominent has interchangeable lenses with the shutter in the camera. Also
the focusing mechanism is in the camera, hence the Yeenon adapter I have has a
helicoid required to focus the lens. The prominent camera is very well made, a
bit cumbersome to use in practice, and heavy. You turn a knob to wind the film
and cock the shutter. Amazing it still works after 70 some years.
I'm beginning to see how a spreadsheet could be handy.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: