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Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S

Subject: Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S
From: Mike Bloor <admin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:42:21 +0100
Olympus brought out a revised circuit board for the OM4 that fixed the battery drain problem long before the OM4T was introduced. Batteries in my OM4 - one of the first made - only lasted for two films until the board was replaced. Since then batteries have the same kind of life that they have in an OM2n.

If the battery check light on an OM4 turns off after 30 seconds, then the camera has the revised circuit board.


I don't think there is a fix to the circuit problem.  Replacement boards
haven't been available forever, but even so, the camera just works as
such.  Manual 60 was a habitual thing when I was using the camera, and I
got pretty used to removing the batteries for longer storage periods, and
buying batts in bulk.  More or less the same for the OM-4.  But they're
lovely cameras to use.  I never had any problems with OM-4s once I got used
to battery preservation strategies from OM-2S use.  Seems like Oly didn't
really consider it a problem until they developed what came out as the
OM-4T, but I don't really know other than one man's experience put to it.

Joel W.
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