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[OM] Knock, knock

Subject: [OM] Knock, knock
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 21:43:49 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Why so quiet?  It isn't even the depths of winter yet when we used to engage in 
pedantic arguments about depth of field and utility of full wave solutions and 

Just to report that a  Moose visit to South Hamilton has sadly ended but OM 
gear including several OMZ lenses were exercised and many MZ lenses including 
the nifty MZ 100-400 with 1.4 TC--by Moose .  It is a bit heavy but certainly 
came in handy for the occasional critter we came across.  Moose has the new MZ 
12-200  on the other cam and just avoided the softer long end.  Seems to work 
for him but is a bit awkward.  No perfect solutions.  
  I also had the opportunity to play with a few gizmos like a lens baby and a 
zone plate, pin hole thingie.
I am sure some images will surface here but mine will be delayed due to work 
and a recert course. 

Anyone  there?  Mike
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