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Re: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 37: lens testing and cats

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 37: lens testing and cats
From: Mike Bloor <admin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2022 12:29:29 +0100
At 05:55 04/10/2022, Nathan wrote:
I unite two of the favourite subjects on photography mailing lists, lens testing and cats (the latter being one of the main uses of the Internet in general).

A cat could have invented the World Wide Web.

When the IBM PC was first introduced, I was using one of the first examples - purchased at Sears in Chicago and shipped straight to Ireland. At the same time I had a kitten named Clarissa who would come into my office and sleep on top of the monitor, which was nice and warm. Every hour or so she would climb down and stand on the edge of the keyboard. Every time he spelt out exactly the same thing - www. If only I had understood what she was trying to tell me, she could have got there before Tim Berners-Lee.


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