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Re: [OM] IMG: Kraków

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Kraków
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2022 17:58:06 -0700
At 10/1/2022 02:15 PM, travel photographer wrote:

>Kraków is Polandâ??s second-largest city, after Warsaw. It was the 
>countryâ??s capital until 1596, and it retains great importance as a center of 
>culture, art and education?the Jagiellonian University is the oldest in 
>Poland.. It is also the most popular city in Poland for tourists, but despite 
>this it does not seem overly touristy except for a few spots. I was there for 
>about 24 hours in September, on my way home from Kielce, and I spent much of 
>that time walking around the city, with a particular focus on the Jewish 
>neighbourhood of Kazimierz. A gallery of 68 images is here:
>And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.

Nice travelog. the night street scenes are great.

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