At 9/2/2022 09:57 PM, Moose wrote:
>On 9/2/2022 6:27 PM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>Have you had any rain?
>No, but we weren't expecting any. We have a Mediterranean climate, no rain in
>summer. All our water comes from reservoirs and snow pack from winter
>precipitation. Whether we are in plenty or drought depends entirely on winter.
I was wondering. I have moved from Scottsdale to Prescott AZ and have been
blessed with a lot of monsoon rain here. I am not too familiar with which
places experience monsoon season in the US.
>>I've acquired a few alt lenses lately and have been experimenting with bokeh
>>effects on similar subjects.
>The rendering of the subject is relatively straightforward; one variable,
>aperture. Bokeh has three, aperture, subject distance and background distance,
>so it's a lot more complex.
>>It's harder than I thought it would be to get something decent.
>LOL! Indeed, it is. But it's all for fun, no? So if no fun, just don't do it.
Oh no, it is definitely fun. The challenge is part of the fun. I hope to try
and be more rigorous, though, as I have acquired more lenses. Hard to keep
track of what settings or lens I was using. Just added one experiment at the
end of this album:
Ricoh Rikenon P 55mm/1.2 Pentax mount @ F1.2
Here the background distance being somewhat close makes a difference.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: