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Re: [OM] (More) Glorious Imperfection (eye test II) [was Painterly vinta

Subject: Re: [OM] (More) Glorious Imperfection (eye test II) [was Painterly vintage Lenses]
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2022 16:57:27 -0700
On 8/12/2022 8:53 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 8/8/2022 09:21 PM, Moose wrote:
I'm continuing my project of making sample shots with various perfectly 
imperfect lenses. It's primarily for me. I've taken various photos with various 
of these lenses, but never really had clear in my mind which does what, at what 
apertures. I do think I'm starting to get some moderate ideas.

The last batch were 50-ish mm lenses. This is 28 and 35 mm. 

Cross Eyed Moose
Thanks for the great comparison. For me, I don't think I'm quite as interested 
in the soft look. None of the LBs look all that exciting (cross eyed for sure). 
They almost feel like too much attempt to create an effect.

There appears to be a subset of photographers who very much like these looks. Portraitists, in particular, but also landscapers and CU/macro folks.

I'm somewhere in that mix, for some of my Alt work.

I also know that the composition really makes a difference and what I struggle 
with the most.

The Sweet, Twist and Edge lenses do mostly require care in composition for good results. They may also be used on their Composer Optic mounts, which allow going off axis in all directions. So one may, for example, compose overall for one purpose and put the sharper parts somewhere not in the center.

I doubt if any of that is in you area of interest. I'm not much interested in the Composers, but I've had fun, both in the past and recently with their Spark, which is flexible and compressible, all using one's fingers and a soft focus optic.

More from that coming soon to a screen near you.

My own interest is more in the line of what Toby Marshall has been doing. For 
one example

Interesting bokeh. I could get into working with it - except, it's one of those unobtainable cult lenses. Not a single listing on the 'Bay or Etsy. Browsing some of his other lenses, I didn't find much to interest me.

In my busy-ness trying to sell my house, I have not given much time to this 
interesting topic. Hopefully that will change soon. I'm also terrible at 
keeping track of what I did. I think this shot was with the Canon 50/1.2 LTM 
lens (added to https://photos.app.goo.gl/TR5Ud27mgL5cvdoJ8 ). Only ACR auto 


Nice enough, but not up to others in that gallery.

The one major difference with your examples is they are not as close up. I'm 
wondering if you got closer how that would change the visual character of the 
lenses as the background bokeh is greater when close? You also shot in harsher 

Yes, things can get different close up, and in gentler light. This was not meant to be definitive, or to pick a winner, but to see how they work, and how they differ.

I also sometimes choose effects for different apertures to mix and match. I'm thinking one could do that even with different lenses. 😁

I just posted an old example of a Hydrangea blossom with the SIMA 100/2 SF lens. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/tech/SIMA/HydraMix.htm>

Another one, just a few hours old, is on its way.

Dat Alt Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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