GAS is Us Moose writes:
C-U is also important to me. This lens shares with the 12-100/4 closest focus
at 12 mm, rather than the long end. I tried the Sigma Achromatic Macro Lens AML
72-01, but the result was disappointing. Then the Pentax T-132 did a great job.
Curiously the Pentax T132 as lovely as it is on the PL 100-400 is LOUSY on the
12-100. Moose just about put the Sigma CU diopter in my hand with a link. The
working distance isn't great, but I think it is decent on the 12-100/4? The
12-200 does not have sync IS but I think the advantage is much less on the OM-1
as the IBIS is so good. I think only half a stop or so depending on the lens
which is much different than earlier models. The 12-200 images seem to clean
up well and seems dramatically better than that Tammy on the 5D.
This was a quick single shot while we were hiking from one Mirador to
another--no heavy lifting on that one.
Perhaps I should have focus bracketed but I thought it is OK for what it is.
In past times I used to always have a dedicated macro kit and if the subject is
worth a macro shot, it is worth putting on extension tubes or a macro lens.
That doesn't work so well when hiking. I can catch up but can get waaaay
behind for a while.
New appreciation for achromatic CU diopters, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: