On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 1:52 PM Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I asked fruitfully:
> > I assume you compare the camera result with what you get via HF? If so,
> is
> > the difference quite significant?
> Might you be confusing Oranges and Lemons? These cameras have two separate
> ways of doing stacks. In-camera Focus
> Stacking uses a limited number of frames, 8 on your body, I believe, and
> 15 on the OM-1, for a single, merged output. If
> something moves independent from the whole subject, you get double vision,
> shadows, etc.
> The other way is Focus Bracketing, where each frame is saved and merging
> them is up to the user. I did controlled tests
> of the two, back when they first came to the E-M5 II, with a deep, static
> subject. Focus Stacking didn't give me the DoF
> I wanted. Something else about it wasn't to my liking, either, but I
> forget what. I've never used it since.
Yes, I could be confused I suppose. As I read the manual and work the
menus, it seems like stacking and bracketing are the same thing. Turn on
bracketing and select focus stacking. The mkiii is the same as the OM-1
for frames (15 max). The capture consists of an ORF+jpg for each frame of
the quantity selected and a composite jpg of the stack at the end of the
capture string. Quite brilliant, and I guess you could cull the ORFs you
want and stack them in software. But no need to, for me at least, at this
Anyway, I must be missing something.
So, long answer, no, one can't compare post shooting merging with in-camera
> processing on the same "shot". The
> retouching ability in Helicon Focus saves the day pretty often. Something
> similar is possible in PS, but it's a big
> pain. The ability to choose the range of frames to merge for different
> subjects, depths, circumstances also adds
> artistic control.
It does seem like we're talking about two different things. Maybe as I
learn more, I'll figure it out.
> >> The big thing the OM-1 brings to this particular party is speed. The
> stack is taken much quicker. than the E-M1 II or GX9.
>From what I read, the mkii and mkiii are the same speed. It probably takes
about 10 seconds at least to do a stack of 15. I read that it takes more
like 5 seconds with the OM-1. Sound right?
> > How much do you use your macro lens in situations where you know you will
> > want to use focus bracketing?
> Trick question, or at least tricky. I haven't taken my M.Z 60/2.8 macro
> into the field or on trips for ages. I really
> dislike lens changing out in the world. I use achromatic C-U lenses for
> close-focus/moderate macro, including focus
> brackets. They live in a little pouch on my belt, and pop on and off
> instantly with magnetic filter adapters. (These
> seem to be no longer available - a terrible loss!)
> I do occasionally use the macro lens at home. I did do a series of a
> couple of dozen around the house recently, most of
> which have been posted here.
I'd like to get the 60. I'd also consider the PL 45, provided I could
focus stack automagically with it, otherwise there is no good point in the
PL. But I assume it works with Olympus FB. But I feel certain that I
would use the 100-400 much more.
I don't think I'd mind the tripod mount as the DZ 50-200 is similar. The
foot of the mount I generally rotate to 11 or 1 o'clock, where it's out of
the way of my hands when I'm using the lens and serves as an extra handle
when I need it.
> I have, over the last few years, become "Dr. No Tripod". Not
> intentionally; I dutifully carried tripods all over the
> place, most recently to Bhutan, New England, around NorCal, to Ireland -
> and just didn't use them.
I'm actually surprised that you carried tripods, as I assumed you no longer
used them once you got a digicam! I recall your championing the 5D because
of its relatively good handling of noise at high(er) ISOs which made
handholding feasible most of the time (or so the impression).
> As you say, getting the composition right takes time, and all too often,
> subject and/or light have moved. On our recent
> trip to Mendocino, whence the recent images I've posted, I didn't even
> have a tripod with me. Between improved IS,
> improved high ISO performance and magical software such as Topaz Sharpen
> AI, which corrects for camera/subject movement,
> eschewing tripods has gotten even easier. The Hand Held High Res function
> of the OM-1 ups the ante even more.
Life is good! Thanks for sharing, as always.
Joel W.
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