And yet another image.
Additional Moose
On 6/1/2022 2:16 PM, Moose wrote:
On 6/1/2022 12:59 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
<<I'm packing for a weekend trip, starting tomorrow. Any further discussion must
<<await Monday.
Where to this time?
Song Village !!!!
There will be few, if any photos from this. One may be either behind the camera, or fully involved with the people.
This is about people being and singing together. Also, no photography allowed in actual sessions - with which I
heartily agree.
An interesting experiment; everyone tested on arrival. Then, mask less full interaction, including full throated
singing, jammed together. Oh well . . .
If we get Covid, and don't need hospitalization, or die, it'll be worth it. 😁
We've yet to see images from the last episode of Moose on the Loose.
Sheesh! We just got back!
I had some "fun" with Geosetter crashing with OM-1 files, until I realized I could change viewing mode to List, so it
wasn't trying to render files it doesn't understand.
Not a side by side test. I was a little distracted, and ended up in the Garden without Garmin, so I used my iPhone 13
Pro, first time on that phone. It did quite well, but for one phantom foray off into an adjacent property. Not
towering redwoods, but it did well under heavy rhododendron tree cover.
OK, a couple of wildly different shots, from the same spot:
Singing Wren
Ring Around the Sun
Back to getting ready to go again tomorrow.
Travelin' Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: