One of the most useful features of the OM-4t is the multi-spot meter. Have you
experimented with that?
The spot meter can also just be used to scan the scene to see what range of
light you are dealing with.
It is very useful in high contrast scenes. Just pick what you want as grey,
then adjust up or down by spot sampling lighter or darker things. No need to
change the compensation dial that way. You can save the reading for multiple
shots and release it with the lever on the release button. The Hilight and
Shadow buttons shift exposure up or down 2 stops.
At 3/13/2022 10:55 PM, Nathan wrote:
>I am going to Paris for a couple of days tomorrow through Thursday, and have
>decided to take a film camera with me, plus my Panasonic GX80 for the digital
>stuff. Now, for the choice of film camera, I am wavering between the recently
>acquired Olympus OM4T and the 3 lenses I have for it (28mm, 50mm, 85mm) or the
>Leica M2 with a similar outfit in terms of focal lengths (35mm, 50mm, 90mm). I
>am leaning towards the Olympus because I am still in the learning phase with
>it and so the trip would provide a good opportunity to use it a lot; but then
>again it seems wrong to go to the city Saint Henri and leave the Leica at home.
>First world problems?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: