Bob could take a look at this:
The 907X is a new body but the CFV II 50C digital back can be used on
Hasselblad V System bodies (e.g. 500C/M), unfortunately it doesn't cover the
full 6x6 frame only 43.8mm x 32.9mm (~4:3), 8272 x 6200 pixels and 14 stops of
dynamic range, you're stuck with your 38mm Biogon on your SWC as a normal lens
but your 80mm Planar becomes a nice portrait lens. I can't seem to find the
price of the digital back but I expect it comes at a premium price. I can't
see Oly getting into this part of the digital market.
One question I have is: Can the 907X body be used with a standard V system
film back?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: olympus <olympus-
>> On
> Behalf Of Moose
> Sent: Sunday, 9 January 2022 5:01 PM
> To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [OM] Oly futures
> On 1/8/2022 7:11 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
> > At 1/8/2022 01:57 AM, you wrote:
> >
> >> On 1/7/2022 9:17 PM, Bob Benson wrote:
> >>> This is a silly question.
> >>> But I wonder how difficult it would be for Oly to adapt something
> >>> like a MrkIII to a 4 x 4 format. I ask this as a old Rolliflex /
> >>> Mamiyaflex user. square was good ... and I'd think all the Oly
> >>> lenses would work (the circle would cover 4x4). And this would
> >>> offer really interesting possibilities.
> >>> Anyway, a silly question: probably for Moose and Ken.
> >> Not sure what you mean by 4x4. The sensor is 17.4x13 mm.
> >>
> >> If you mean 13x13 mm, it's a firmware thing, cutting off the sides in VFs
> and output.
> >>
> >> If you mean 17.4x17.4, it would be a wholesale mechanical redesign, and
> finding someone to produce the odd size sensor. Sony makes current µ4/3
> sensors. Nevva gonna hoppen.
> >>
> >> In practice, there would be no significant difference between the two
> approaches.
> >>
> >> I - So, put some tape on the edges of the LCD, flip it pointing up,
> >> ignore the EVF, and you have your OlyFlex. ðŸ˜
> >>
> >> II - Skip the tape and use a grid for framing square. In menu D3, the first
> Grid Setting gives a square in the middle. The Grid Settings Presets give
> complete control over grid line color and opacity.
> >>
> >> In either case, crop to square in post
> >>
> >> III - Some digicams offered multiple formats in firmware. My Canon 60D
> offered a square format. But a quick look suggests Canon dropped all the
> alternate formats in more recent cameras.
> >>
> >> Buy a used 60D, slap a 20/2.8 lens on it, set to square format, and you're
> all set to emulate a RolleiFlex - but with AF. About $600.
> >>
> >> Un Square Moose
> > I think Bob is referring to 4x4 cm medium format typical of a TLR.
> Except - the two he refers to are 6x6 cm. We could, of course, wait for Bob,
> but speculation can be fun, no?
> So, with the reference to a µ4/3 camera, which is 4:3, I speculated that the
> reference is to the 4 part of 4/3, and I headed out from there. 😁
> > There is still a look difference to that format over a smaller sensor
> > besides
> the squareness.
> I am the skeptic there. When I have gone back and scanned 6x6 film from
> dad's Kodak 6x6 and my Rolleicord, I haven't been impressed with resolution,
> dynamic range, etc. If comparing memories of great prints from 6x6 film with
> what I can see on my screen from smaller format digital, I just think it's
> apples
> and oranges.
> Ctein made, and makes, much of his living as a master printer. He tore out his
> darkroom and remodeled his basement into other things when he could
> make better prints with digital printers than in his wet darkroom. I've been
> in
> his printer room. I have three of his prints. One monochrome 16x20, from 12
> MP µ4/3, has exquisite tonalities dynamic range, detail, etc.
> The same as film? How to compare? As good as, or better? Definitely.
> > Oly never considered Full Frame digital. I highly doubt they would go even
> further to 4x4cm. That's a major commitment for a company that is struggling
> as is.
> Way too much competition up there. Someone is going to fall out.
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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