Ken, I've not been that committed to a brand, and I discovered Olympus
late in life. My first purchase was used Leica gear, all I could afford
at the time, and the only lenses I've sold over the last 70 yrs were
both Leica lenses. Most of the others I've bought (Exacta, Pentax,
Leica-R and Olympus) are still with me, and in use. Modern mirror-less
cameras and new processing tools bring new life to old hardware.
I do think I would be able to work just fine with a set of all-Zuiko
professional lenses!
On 9/5/21 2:28 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
I made the decision many years ago to standardize on a single brand for
lenses. While I have had others that were exceptional, I just liked the
story the Zuikos told.
A friend of mine adapts A bunch of Zeiss lenses which produce the only look
I prefer more than the Zuikos.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: