On 7/22/2021 12:13 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
Across the street, an existing sidewalk dining area has recently also been
I've been seeing a bit of this look around here too. I like it, but I
think it's going to be a pretty overused and worn out look in a year.
However, I think you guys just might be able to pull it off.
Wildly different weather, of course. Montreal is interesting; wiiiideee sidewalks, and the restaurants more or less move
outside in the summer. I imagine in their wonderful winters, they are frozen wastelands.
Here, It will vary by city. Albany, where we went yesterday and today has made them obviously temporary. Berkeley has
many that have a longer look to them. I sort of hope not, as they eat up lots of parking in areas without enough to
begin with.
Well Fed Moose
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