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[OM] Sadness and Melancholy

Subject: [OM] Sadness and Melancholy
From: Bob Benson <bob.benson91@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 15:16:48 -0500
S*adness and Melancholy ! * I just drove 2 hours up to Topeka, to Wolfe
Camera -- which is closing this month after 95 years in business. They'd
announced it about July 1 -- but I didn't see the notice til yesterday.
Hoped to maybe find some items - but the scavengers have already been
through it. About the only things left were obscure filters and unusable
camera bags.

It is/was a real photography center. They'd spend time/energy in supplying
everything = portraiture lighting, every flash / wires / etc known to man,
a great area set up as ae e-photo lab for use by customers, terrific
framing and mounting products and services. Really full service, full line,

Now it's gone. Don't know where the closest full-service store is now,
perhaps Tulsa or OK City.

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