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Re: [OM] Tech questions: time lapse, batteries

Subject: Re: [OM] Tech questions: time lapse, batteries
From: Jan Steinman <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 20:50:11 -0700
> From: Lawrence Woods <lmwoods@xxxxxxx>
> I tried capturing the time lapse? twice. Both times the sequence ended 
> prematurely.

I've done a number of time-lapses with the E-M1.2, with no problems, with both 
Olympus OEM batteries and third-party, non-decoded batteries.

Could it have anything to do with your power savings settings? Something like 
you have it set to go to sleep or power off before the sequence is complete?

> My second question is about third-party BLH-1 equivalent batteries in 
> the E-M1 II.? One brand I have (Watson) seems to function the same as an 
> Olympus battery.? Another (Wasabi Power) gets a message on the? LCD 
> display at power up "Olympus batt. recommended" and does not show a 
> power percentage below the green battery icon like the Watson and 
> Olympus batteries do.

This is the difference between "non-decoded" and "fully decoded" batteries.

When I bought my Powerextra batteries, "fully decoded" ones didn't exist. They 
behave like your Wasabi battery.

Then someone reverse-engineered the communication protocol between the battery 
and the camera, and now you can buy batteries that claim to be "fully decoded," 
which behave like your Watson battery. I don't have any like that; the ones 
that claim to be "fully decoded" generally cost a bit more than the 
"non-decoded" ones. I don't mind having an occasional "Olympus battery 
recommended" pop up, and I'm happy with the four-bar gauge, not willing to pay 
more for a percentage readout.

On my Pen-F, the third-party Progo batteries behave identically with the 
Olympus OEM battery. There is no warning message, and only the bar display 
shows. There appears to be no option for a percentage display.

As to your other questions, I've been perfectly happy with non-decoded 
third-party batteries.


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