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[OM] OT: Subwoofer optimization --deep down a rabbit hole

Subject: [OM] OT: Subwoofer optimization --deep down a rabbit hole
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2020 23:18:05 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Well finished optimizing for the MLP--my seat and doesn't look too shabby.  I 
put in a house curve and the 48 db/octave high pass filter for the passive sub.

It doesn't look too bad considering where I started.


The couch response is not wonderful.  There is  very cooool software, 
MSO--multiple subwoofer optimizer,  that will optimize the gain/delay/PEQ for 
each sub for multiple positions.
I might try it for fun and can use the settings as config #2 in the minidsp.   
It sometimes will not converge on a good solution with a lesser sub in the mix 
unless the gain is turned up first.
We'll see.  Better to have matched subs optimally placed, but I get to have 
more fun in the fix.

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