<<The passive sub response curve is light brown curve, #1, the UC-10 #2 green
<<the best i could do in time alignment --#10 blue.
Learning to navigate the REW (room Eq wizzard) software.
The passive sub THD skyrockets and the powered sub THD never gets above 10%.
Apparently the distortion is not as easy to hear in these frequencies but the
stratospheric levels can't be good.
I highlighted the THD curve and kept in the noise floor.
Tempted to put a brick wall filter on that channel where the THD takes off.
There must be a better woofer that would work in that enclosure. I don't know
enough about the Thiele-Small parameters for this ported design but it can't be
that hard to reverse engineer a new driver for it. The one speaker guy I
contacted didn't want to touch it.
Low down issues, Mike
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